이상운 (Sangwoon Lee)

2019.03~2023.08 B.S, Health Sciences & Technology (HST), Kyungpook National University

(1)  Discovery of Hepatic Disease Biomarkers through Multidimensional Proteomics and Machine Learning

I am currently involved in a project entitled " Discovery of Hepatic Disease Biomarkers through Multidimensional Proteomics and Machine Learning" This endeavor revolves around the utilization of advanced techniques that enable a comprehensive profiling of tumor microenvironments. This, in turn, facilitates a profound understanding of molecular interactions within cancer and leads to the identification of pivotal biomarkers.

My primary focus is on synergizing the domains of Biotechnology (BT) and Information Technology (IT) to drive the development of innovative drug designs. By integrating these disciplines, my aim is to contribute to the creation and formulation of groundbreaking medications that have the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment.