단백체 정보학 연구실

(Proteomic Informatics Lab.)

Board & News

Research Focus

Our laboratory is interested in exploring how protein conformational changes, such as those associated with protein aggregation, misfolding, or turnover, impact cellular physiology and lead to human diseases. In this regard, we focus on the development and application of mass spectrometry-based structural and quantitative proteomic methods aimed at monitoring protein conformational changes in complex cellular conditions. We combine these tools with classical biochemical, cell biological, genetic approaches and machine learning algorithms in several lines of research. Our research encompasses the area of artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, biostatistics, software development, and clinical applications. 

Research Topics

(1) Structural Proteome for Peptide Drug Discovery

(2) Artificial Intelligence-powered Peptide Drug Design

(3) Clinical Biomarker Discovery through Single-cell Proteome and AI-guiding

(4) In Vitro & Companion Diagnostic LC-MS Assay in Clinical Laboratory

(5) Multi-Omic Bio Big Data Analytics Development

Open Positions

(1) 생물학, 생명과학(공학), 화학(공학), 생명(생물)정보학, 컴퓨터과학(공학), 통계학 전공자 등

(2) 유세포분석기, 질량세포분석기, 액체크로마토그래피, 질량분석기 등 다양한 바이오 분석기기 전공자 등

(3) 인공지능 (머신러닝, 딥러닝)을 비롯하여 생물정보학 및 생물통계학 전공자 등

연구실 지원자(연구원, 학부생, 대학원지원, 박사후과정) 메일(kimlab@cnu.ac.kr)로 본인의 CV를 송부해 주세요.

If you belong to: (1) Students majored in biological, chemical, computer, statistics area or doctors interested in proteomics experiments and big data analysis. (2) Computer scientists who are interested in develop new algorithms which can be readily applied to medicine. (3) Students who are interested in generating and analyzing omics big data (and want to establish startup companies). Expertise in all areas not necessary as we can train. Students who are willing to expose themselves into highly collaborative projects. If you're an enthusiastic and talented young researcher who is interested in joining our team in the future, you may try an internship at our laboratory. Please send your CV to kimlab@cnu.ac.kr.