윤윤기 (Yoonki Yoon)

2017.03 ~ 2022.02 B.S., Biomedical Chemistry, Konkuk University Glocal Campus

(1) Development of Protein-Based Pharmaceuticals via AI-Driven Tools and Efficacy Validation

My present initiative concentrates on the development of protein-based pharmaceuticals targeting binding sites conventionally occupied by small-molecule drugs, harnessing cutting-edge artificial intelligence tools. This endeavor involves predicting the three-dimensional structures of proteins from their amino acid sequences, which paves the way for the creation of safer drugs.

I am convinced that the essence of innovation lies in the interdisciplinary fusion of varied academic fields. Within this spectrum, I place particular emphasis on the synergy between computer science and the life sciences. Through this synergy, my ultimate goal is to computationally simulate the biological processes underpinned by molecular interactions within the human body. Upon the realization of this project, I anticipate a paradigm shift towards a more resource-efficient approach compared to existing methodologies.